Geometry of card clothing | Carding machine clothing in spinning | Carding machine


Geometry of card clothing

Ø     Card clothing:

   To cover the surface of taker-in, cylinder, doffer, and flat of the carding machine with the help of a number of ultimate fines, closely spaced and especially bended wire is called card clothing.

Ø  Types of clothing:

1.  Flexible card clothing:

                                      Flexible clothing has hooks of round or oval wire set into elastic+multi-ply clothes backing. Each hook is bent into a U-shape and is formed with the knee that flexes under bending load and returns to its original position when the load is removed. The clothing is seems on flats. The knee is the point which can be bending (elastic). The knee is required so the hook does not project too far outward. When the leg is bent back it is thus possible to operate with small spacing b/w clothing.

Its point density is 240-500 points per square inch.

     Semi –rigid clothing:

               Here flat or round wires with sharp points are set in backing with less elastic than those of flexible clothing. These backing are multi-ply structure. These clothing are same as flexible clothing but they are sharp and do not  knee in the flat wire while in round wire may have one it is immovable .its sharp so that why it do not need shaping like flexible wires. They are also found only in the flat.     

    Metallic clothing:

    In the carding machine cylinder and doffer is clothed by these metallic wires. These are continuous self-supporting flat wire structure in which teeth is cut at the smallest possible spacing by a process resembling a punching operation. It’s also called saw tooth. The starting material is round wire so we rolled it in several stages for give the required or specific profile. It is cut by punching machine in the form of teeth which called pitch of the teeth. The thickness of these teeth is (0.05-0.06) mm.    

   Dimension of the clothing of metallic wires:

   Base width:

   The width of a teeth base point density is depending upon on that.

     Tooth thickness at Trip:

    The fineness of the top of tooth. The population is also to determine by the tip-to-top spacing.

     Height of base:

   The tooth is individually divide in two parts the bottom is thick than top. So the thicker place height at the bottom called height of base.

     Depth of the tooth:

    The thin place of the tooth reaming the tooth than thicker place up to top.  

      Tooth pitch:

   Spacing b/w successive tooth points measured with the wire stretched out.

     Over all height:

   The height of metallic clothing on the cylinder is b/w 2mm-3.8mm. It must be uniform shorter teeth leave spacing for more teeth and its beneficial that the fiber less escapes during carding.

     Carding angle:

    Angle b/w alien normal to the base of the tooth and leading edge of the tooth measured with the wire stretched out.  It is most important for clothing because it represents or specifies the leading face to vertical. Its describe the negative, positive and neutral angle of teeth’s.

     1.    The neutral angle is when the leading face is vertically lies on zero (0) angle.

    2.    The negative angle is teeth are used for taker-in because it held the fiber less strongly and can be transfer it to the cylinder easily.

     3.    Positive tooth is used on cylinder and doffer because it has point to point action.

     Angle values:

   ·       Taker-in:   +5 to -10 or -15

     ·       Cylinder:   +12-+27

     ·       Doffer:       +20-+40

    The taker-in tooth thickness at trip is thicker than cylinder or doffer tooth. The chain wire and locked wire can be applied on the smooth surface of taker-in.

     Tooth pex angle:

   The fineness of the top of tooth.

   Point density:   (Number of points per unit area).

    The number of points per unit area and the speed of cylinder consider together. The higher the points population the better carding effect.

     Point density is specified in terms of points per square inch or per square centimeter.

            Calculated by:

Points /inch2 = 645/base width*pitch

Points/cm2    = 100/base width*pitch

Aggressiveness of wires:

The sharpness of tooth or wires called aggressive. The flexible wire is not sharp like semi-rigid clothing. In order to make the clothing more aggressive the points are mostly ground on the both sides (lateral sharping) the rigid-semi clothing don’t need sharping an often as flexible clothing wires. At least in respect of flat wires, it should be mentioned that each sharping removes material from the point so the working surface become steadily broader and aggressiveness of the clothing declines over time.

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