Spinning Triangle | Spinning | Spinning Triangle in Ring spinning | Textile Ride


Spinning triangle

Spinning triangle:

                 The weakest point at the nipping line of the delivery rollers in spinning process. When the material leave the delivery rollers and now still the twist is not inserted that point is the weakest point because here is very fibers which have no that enough coherence known as spinning triangle.


l  This weakest point is generated due to the twist do not penetrate in the nipping line of drafting assembly completely so now after leaving the delivery rollers there is untwisted fiber bundle in triangle shape that's why it’s known as spinning triangle.

l  The traveler rotates at higher speed which produce balloon between traveler and lappet guide but it’s also extend up to drafting Assembly and its also impart the twist in yarn against the direction of yarn so the twist is not penetrate completely in nipping which creates the weakest point now due to balloon tension in the weakest point has more chance to break.

l  The spinning triangle is further classified in short length spinning triangle and long length spinning triangle.

Spinning Triangle

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1. Short length spinning triangle:

                           When the spinning triangle contain more twist or insert more twist which reduce its angle of wrap and the length of spinning triangle also become short.

ü  Advantages:

            Due to more inserting the twist the point become strengthen and end breakage here become minimize or fewer breakage.

ü  Dis advantages:

            At the shorter length the fibers on the edge is strongly bounded but not all because some fibers in edge do not twisted and they go out or leave the body of yarn as fly, and on one edge the one end of fiber is bounded but another end is not bounded which comes out from the body of yarn as create the hireness.

Short Length Spinning Triangle

2. Longer length of spinning triangle:

                               Due to less twist contain the spinning triangle the angle of wrap is increased and also the length of spinning triangle is increase. Now the long spinning triangle means long weak point.

ü  Advantages :

            In this case the yarn edge is completely bounded (the fibers are completely bounded) so here having no chance to create fly and also hireness and the yarn is smoother.

Dis advantages:

           Due to long week point the balloon tension can easily break down the yarn at this point so the there is more chance for breakage.

Long Length Spinning Triangle

v The length of spinning triangle is depend upon the twist and spinning geometry.

Spinning geometry:

 Inclination of drafting assembly toward the spindle and lappet guide:

  when the drafting assembly is little or not more inclined so the nipping line become increase (fibers gets more guide on the surface of the delivery bottom roller at the drafting assembly) which means the deflection angle is increase which results long length of spinning triangle.

when the inclination of drafting assembly is more so the nipping line is not long become decrease which results the short angle of deflection at the delivery bottom roller of drafting assembly due to this shortness of angle the length of spinning triangle become less.

Top roller overhang on bottom roller at drafting arrangement:

                                                   At the delivery rollers the top is lies forward on the bottom roller, we can shift it from vertically to forward in rang of (2-4)mm, which results the smooth running and which reduce the angle of wrap so the spinning triangle become shorter.

Balloon height:

               When the ring rail move up word the balloon length become shorter, in this case the balloon contain high yarn tension and when the ring rail move down ward the length of balloon become increasing so here its contain less yarn tension so for the constant length of balloon the lappet and balloon control ring rail is also move with same sequence as ring rail but short stroke, so due to high balloon tension the break down rate at spinning triangle will be more.

Twist (wrap):

Twist (wrap) of yarn on lappet guide:

                              The angle of wrap is not same at two points around the lappet guide due to up and down motion of lappet rail, balloon control ring rail and ring rail. Now the lappet guide is brake or hindrance for the transmission of balloon tension and vibration through the spinning triangle which has positive effect that its reduce the end down rate at this weakest point. Now this lappet guide is also break for the transmission of twist in a yarn which results the spinning triangle gets less twist and do not bound the fibers strongly with each other which make this place weaker.

Spinning triangle influence of end down rate:

                                           Spinning triangle has a great effect on end down rate because when the less twist contain that area so the spinning triangle length is large means larger the weakest point so here will be the high end down rate.

 Spinning triangle influence on quality of yarn:

                                           When the spinning triangle is short length the fibers on spinning triangle edge is bounded so some of fibers comes out from the yarn body as fly and some create  hairiness on the edge of yarn which greatly affect the yarn quality .


            The spinning triangle is the weakest point in spinning process which having great influences on end down rate and quality of yarn.

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For Spinning Triangle:

Engr Faiq Anwar

Textile Engineer

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