Effect Yarn | Loop Yarn | Snarl Yarn | Knop Yarn | Properties of Effect Yarn | Formation of Effect Yran


Effect yarn:

The effect yarn is basically the yarn which is different from  normal or conventional yarn having used for special or specific purposes, in normal condition or in past it was considered the defect but now its create intentionally for special purposes or to alter the properties of yarn and fabric performance.


Three effects yarn:

1. Loop yarn.

The loop yarn is basically the yarn which consist of two ground yarn and also having one effect yarn which make loops on the surface of the ground yarns which is used for different purposes.


ü  Its fluffy.

ü  Give soft feel.

Formation of loops yarn:

Its manufacturing on the looping yarn machine which consist of back roller and front two pairs of rollers. As the two ground yarn come from bottom rollers and passing through front roller (in grooves of top rollers) and effect yarn come from front roller with different speed, then ground yarn. As they converge to twist after moving out from front rollers, in the triangle spacing the over feeding of the effect yarn making loops and twist on the surface of ground yarn.

2. Snarl yarn:

Snarl yarn is same like loops yarn but here the worsted yarn use as effect yarn and core yarns as cotton yarn which make it more flecked and shaggy appearance.


ü  Its flecked yarn

ü  Shaggy appearance.

Formation snarl yarn:

The formation of snarl yarn is same as like loop yarn consist of grounds and effect yarn but here the overfeeding of effect yarn and level of twisting of effect yarn become increase which make the loop size increase so it made snarl yarn.

3. Knop yarn:

The knop yarn having prominent bunches on their surface arranged at regular and irregular manner trough out their length.

Formation of knop yarn:

As the formation of knop yarn is same like snarl and loop yarn means on same machine but the difference is the ground yarn is fed intermittently. And below the control bar the ground and effect yarn converge to twist so when the ground yarn stop feeding  and effect uarn contentiously fed, its make bunching on the surface of yarn which may be regular or irregular through out the length of yarn.

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Textile Ride

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Engr Faiq Anwar

Textile Engineer

Consultant of Textile Business


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